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    2019/2/21 9:17:00
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中藥粉末名稱 Powder of TCM name 阿魏粉末 Chinese Asafetida 矮地茶粉末 Japanese Ardisia Herb 艾葉粉末 Argy Wormwood Leaf 安息香粉末 Benzoin 八角茴香粉末 Star Anise Fruit 八月扎粉末 Akebia Fruit 巴戟天粉末 Medicinal Indianmulberry Root 白扁豆粉末 White Hyacinth Bean 白豆蔻粉末 white cardamon fruit 白花蛇舌草粉末 Spreading Hedyotis Herb 白芨粉末 common bletilla 白芥子粉末 White Mustard Seed 白蘞粉末 Japanese Ampelopsis Root 白毛藤粉末 climbing nightshade 白茅根粉末 lalang grass rhizome 白前粉末 Willowleaf Swallowwort Rhizome 白芍粉末 White Peony Root 白術粉末 largehead atractylodes rhizome 白頭翁粉末 chinese Pulsatilla Root 白薇粉末 Blackend Srallowwort Root 白蘚皮粉末 Densefruit Pittany Root-bark 白芷粉末 Dahurian Angelica Root 百部粉末 Stemona Root 百合粉末 Lily Bulb 柏子仁粉末 Chinese Arborvitae Kernel 敗醬草粉末 atrina glass 板藍根粉末 Isatis Root 半邊蓮粉末 Chinese Lobelia Herb 半夏粉末 Pinellia Tuber 半枝蓮粉末 Barbated Skullcup Herb 北豆根粉末 Asiatic Moonseed Rhizome 北沙參粉末 coastal glehnia root 貝母粉末 Bulbus 蓽茇粉末 long pepper 蓽澄茄粉末 Mountain Spicy Fruit 萆薢粉末 Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Root 扁蓄粉末 Common Knotgrass Herb 鱉甲粉末 Turtle Shell 檳榔粉末 Areca Seed 薄荷粉末 Peppermint 補骨脂粉末 Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit 蠶砂粉末 Silkworm Feculae 蒼耳子粉末 Siberian Cocklebur Fruit 蒼術粉末 Stir-fried Atractylodes Rhizome 草豆蔻粉末 Katsumada Galangal Seed 草果粉末 Caoguo 側柏葉粉末 Chinese Arborvitae Twig and Leaf 柴胡粉末 Chinese Thorowax Root 蟬蛻粉末 Cicada Slough 蟾酥粉末 Toad Venom 常山粉末 Antifeverile Dichroa Root 車前草粉末 Plantain Herb 車前子粉末 Plantago Seed 沉香粉末 Chinese Eaglewood Wood 陳皮粉末 Dried Tangerine Peel 赤芍粉末 Red Peony Root 赤石脂粉末 Red Halloysite 赤小豆粉末 Rice Bean 茺蔚子粉末 Motherwort Fruit 蟲白蠟粉末 Inesct Wax 臭梧桐粉末 Harlequin Glorybower Leaf And Twig 刺五加粉末 Siberian Ginseng powder 楮實子粉末 Papermulberry Fruit 川貝母粉末 Tendrilled Fritillaria Bulb 川楝子粉末 Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit 川芎粉末 Szechwan Lovage Rhizome 穿山龍粉末 Japan Yam Rhizome 穿心蓮粉末 Common Andrographis Herd 垂盆草粉末 Stringy Stonecrop Herb 椿皮粉末 Tree- of -heaven Bark 刺五加粉末 Manyprickle Acanthopanax Root 大腹皮粉末 Areca Peel 大黃粉末 Rhubarb 大薊粉末 Japanese Thistle 大青葉粉末 Dyers Woad Leaf 大蒜粉末 Garlic 大血藤粉末 Sargentgloryvine Stem 丹參粉末 Danshen Root 膽南星粉末 Bile Arisaema 淡豆豉粉末 Fermented soybean 淡竹葉粉末 Lophatherum Herb 當歸粉末 Chinese Angelica Root 黨參粉末 Tangshen 刀豆子粉末 Jack Bean 稻芽粉末 Rice-grain Sprout 燈心草粉末 Rush Pith 地楓皮粉末 Difengpi Bark 地膚子粉末 Belvedere Fruit 地骨皮粉末 Chinese Wolfberry Root Bark 地黃(生)粉末 Rehmannia Root 地龍粉末 Earthworm 地榆粉末 Garden Burnet Root 顛茄草粉末 Belladonna Herb 丁公藤粉末 Obtuseleaf Erycibe Stem 丁香粉末 Clore 冬蟲夏草粉末 Chinese Caterpillar Fungus 冬瓜皮粉末 Chinese Waxgourd peel 冬瓜子粉末 Chinese Waxgourd Semen 冬葵子粉末 Cluster Mallow Fruit 獨活粉末 Doubleteeth Pubesscent Angelica Root 杜松子粉末 Juniperus communis L. 杜仲粉末 Eucommia Bark 斷血流粉末 Clinopodium Herb 莪朮粉末 Zedoary Rhizome 鵝不食草 Small Centipeda Herb 兒茶粉末 Cutch,Black Catechu 番瀉葉粉末 Senna Leaf 防風粉末 Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root 防己粉末 Fourstamen Stephania Root 榧子粉末 Grand Torreya Seed 佛手粉末 Finger Citron 茯苓粉末 Indian Bread 茯苓皮粉末 Poria Peel 茯神粉末 Indian Bread With Hostwood 浮萍粉末 Common Ducksmeat Herb 浮小麥粉末 Blighted Wheat 附子(制)粉末 Aconite (Processed) 覆盆子粉末 Palmleaf Raspberry Pruit 干姜粉末 Zingiber (Dried Ginger) 干漆粉末 Dried Lacquer 甘草粉末 Liquorice Root 甘松粉末 Nardostachys Root 高良姜粉末 Lesser Galangal Rhizome 藁本粉末 Chinese Lovage 葛根粉末 Kudzuvine Root 蛤蚧粉末 Tokay Gecko 功勞葉粉末 Mahonia leaf 鉤藤粉末 Gambir Plant 狗脊粉末 Cibot Rhizome 枸骨葉粉末 Chinese Holly Leaf 谷精草粉末 Pipewort Flower 谷芽粉末 Millet Sprout (stir-fried) 骨碎補粉末 Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome 瓜蔞粉末 Snakegourd Fruit 瓜蔞皮粉末 Snakegourd peel 貫眾粉末 Cyrtomium Rhizome 廣防已粉末 Southern Fangchi Root 廣藿香粉末 Cablin patchouli Herb 廣金錢草粉末 Snowbellleaf Tickclover Herb 龜板粉末 Tortoise Shell 桂枝粉末 Cassia Twig 海風藤粉末 Kadsura Pepper Stem 海螵蛸粉末 Cuttlefish Bone 海桐皮粉末 Erythrinae Bark 海藻粉末 Seaweed 旱蓮草粉末 Eclipta 合歡花粉末 Albizia Flower 合歡皮粉末 Silktree Albizia Bark 何首烏(制)粉末 Fleeceflower Root 荷葉粉末 Lotus Leaf 鶴虱粉末 Common Carpesium Fruit 紅參粉末 Red Ginseng 紅大戟粉末 Knoxia Root 紅豆蔻粉末 galanga galangal fruit 紅花粉末 Safflower 紅景天粉末 Rhodiolae Root 厚樸粉末 Officinal Magnolia Bark 厚樸花粉末 Officinal Magnolis Flower 胡黃連粉末 Figwortflower Picrorhiza Rhizome 胡椒粉末 Pepper Fruit 胡蘆巴粉末 Common Fenugreek Seed 胡麻粉末 Linseed 胡頹子葉粉末 Thorny Elaeagnus Leaf 槲寄生粉末 Colored Mistletoe Herb 虎杖粉末 Giant Knotweed Rhizome 琥珀粉末 Amber 花椒粉末 Pricklyash peel 化橘紅粉末 Pummelo Peel 淮牛膝粉末 Achyranthes Root 槐花粉末 Pagodatree Flower 槐角粉末 Japanese Pagodatree Pod 黃柏粉末 Amur Cork-tree 黃精粉末 Solomonseal Rhizome 黃連粉末 Golden Thread 黃芪粉末 Milkvetch Root 黃芩粉末 Baical Skullcap Root 黃藥子粉末 Airpotato Yam Rhizome 藿香粉末 Wrinkled Gianthyssop Herb 雞骨草粉末 Canton Love-Pea Vine 雞冠花粉末 Cockcomb Flower 雞內金粉末 Chicken's Gizzard-skin 雞矢藤粉末 Chinese Fevervine Herb 雞血藤粉末 Suberect Spatholobus 積雪草粉末 Asiatic pennywort Herd 急性子粉末 Garden Balsam Seed 蒺藜粉末 Puncturevine Caltrop Fruit 姜黃粉末 Turmeric Root 僵蠶粉末 Stiff Silkorm 降香粉末 Rosewood 絞股藍粉末 Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb 金沸草粉末 Inula herb 金錢草粉末 Christina Loosestrife 金蕎麥粉末 Golden Buckwheat Rhizome 金銀花粉末 Honeysuckle Flower 金櫻子粉末 Cherokee Rose Fruit 錦燈籠粉末 Franchet Groundcherry Fruit 京大戟粉末 Peking Euphorbia Root 荊芥粉末 Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb 九節(jié)菖蒲粉末 Irkutsk Anemone Rhizome 九里香粉末 Murraya Jasminorage 九香蟲粉末 Stink-bug 韭菜子粉末 Tuber Onion Seed 桔梗粉末 Platycodon Root 菊花粉末 Chrysanthemun Flower 瞿麥粉末 Aerial Parts of Chinese Pink Dianthus 卷柏粉末 Spikemoss 決明子粉末 Cassia Seed 苦參粉末 Lightyellow Sophora Root 苦丁茶粉末 Broadleaf Holly Leaf 苦楝皮粉末 Szechwan Chinaberry Bark 苦木粉末 Indian Quassiawood 款冬花粉末 Common Coltsfoot Flower 昆布(海帶)粉末 Kelp or Tangle 萊菔子粉末 Radish Seed 老顴草粉末 Common herons Bill Herb 雷公藤粉末 Common Threewingnut Root 雷丸粉末 Thunder Ball 荔枝核粉末 Lychee Seed 連錢草粉末 Longtube Ground Ivy Herb 連翹粉末 Weeping Forsythia Capsule 兩面針粉末 Shinyleaf Pricklyash Root 兩頭尖粉末 Radde Anemone 靈芝粉末 REISH 凌霄花粉末 Trumpetcreeper Flower 劉寄奴粉末 Driverse Wormword Herb 龍膽草粉末 Chinese Gentian Root 龍骨粉末 Dragon's Bones 龍葵粉末 Black Nightshade Herb 漏蘆粉末 Uniflower Swisscentaury Root 蘆根粉末 Reed Rhizome 蘆薈粉末 Alose 鹿茸粉末 Pilose Antler 鹿銜草粉末 Pyrola Herb 路路通粉末 Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit 綠豆粉末 Green Gram Seed 綠豆衣粉末 Green Gram Spermoderm 羅布麻粉末 Dogbane Leaf 羅漢果粉末 Grosvenor Momordica Fruit 絡石藤粉末 Chinese Starjasmine Stem 麻黃粉末 Ephedra 麻黃根粉末 Ephedra Root 馬鞭草粉末 European Verbena Herb 馬勃粉末 Puff-ball 馬齒筧粉末 Purslane Herb 馬兜鈴(蜜)粉末 Dutohmanspipe Fruit 麥芽粉末 Germinated Barley 滿山紅粉末 Dahurian Rhododendron Leaf 蔓荊子粉末 Shrub Chastetree Fruit 貓爪草粉末 Catclaw Buttercup Root 沒藥粉末 Myrrh 玫瑰花粉末 Rose Flower 梅花粉末 plum flower 綿萆薢粉末 Sevenlobed Yam Rhizome 綿馬貫眾粉末 Male Fern Rhizome 牡丹皮粉末 Tree peony Bark 牡荊葉粉末 Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree leaf 木瓜粉末 Common Floweringqince Fruit 木蝴蝶粉末 Indian Trumpetflower Seed 木通粉末 Akebia Stem 木香粉末 Common Aucklandia Root 木賊粉末 Common Scouring Rush Herb 南板藍根粉末 Baphicacanthus Root 南瓜子粉末 Cushaw Seed 南鶴虱粉末 Wild Carrot Fruit 南沙參粉末 Fourleaf Ladybell Root 鬧羊花粉末 Chinese Azalea Flower 牛蒡子粉末 Great Burdock Achene 牛膝粉末 Twotoothed Achyranthes Root 胖大海粉末 Boat-fruited Stercrlia Seed 佩蘭粉末 Fortune Eupatorium Herb 枇杷葉粉末 Loquat Leaf 片姜黃粉末 Wenyujin Concise Rhizome 蒲公英 Dandelion 蒲黃粉末 Cattail Pollen 蘄蛇粉末 Long-noded Pit Viper 薺菜粉末 Shepherdspurse herb 千年健粉末 Obscured Homalomena Rhizome 前胡粉末 HogfenneL Root 芡實粉末 Gordon Euryale Seed 茜草粉末 Indian Madder Root 羌活粉末 Incised Notoptetygium Rhizome or Root 秦艽粉末 Largeleaf Gentian Root 秦皮粉末 Ash Bark 青風藤粉末 Orientvine Stem 青果粉末 Chinese white olive 青蒿粉末 Sweet Wormwood Herb 青皮粉末 Green Tangerine Peel 青葙子粉末 Feather Cockscomb Seed 青葉膽粉末 Mile Swertia Herb 全蝎粉末 Scorpion 拳參粉末 Bistort Rhizome 人參粉末 Ginseng Root Powder 人參葉粉末 Ginseng Leaf 忍冬藤粉末 Honeysuckle Stem 肉蓯蓉粉末 Desertliving Cistanche 肉豆蔻粉末 Nutmeg Seed 肉桂粉末 Cassia Bark 乳香粉末 Frankincense 蕤仁粉末 Hedge prinsepia Nut 三白草粉末 Chinese Lizardtail Rhizome Or Herb 三棱粉末 Common Burreed Tuber 三顆針粉末 Radix Berberidis 三七粉末 Notoginseng Root 桑白皮粉末 White Mulberry Root-bark 桑寄生粉末 Chinese Taxillus Herb 桑螵蛸粉末 Egg Capsule of Mantid 桑椹粉末 Mulberry Fruit 桑葉粉末 Mulberry Leaf 桑枝粉末 Mulberry Twig 沙棘粉末 Seabuckthorn Fruit 沙苑子粉末 Flatstem Milkvetch Seed 砂仁粉末 Villous Amomum Fruit 山慈菇粉末 Appendiculate Cremastra Pseudobulb or common pleione Pseudobulb 山豆根粉末 Vietnamese Sophora Root 山奈粉末 Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome 山藥粉末 Common Yan Rhizome 山楂粉末 Hawthorn Fruit 山茱萸粉末 Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit 商陸粉末 Pokeberry Root 蛇床子粉末 Common Cnidium Fruit 蛇蛻粉末 Snake Slough 射干粉末 Blackberrylily Rhizome 伸筋草粉末 Common Clubmoss Herb 神曲粉末 Medicated Leaven 升麻粉末 Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome 石菖蒲粉末 Grassleaf Sweetflag Rhizome 石膏粉末 Gypsum 石斛粉末 Dendrobium 石見穿粉末 Chinese sage herb 石決明粉末 Abalone shell 石榴皮粉末 Pomegranate Rind 石葦粉末 Shearer's Pyrrosia Leaf 使君子粉末 Rangooncreeper Fruit 柿蒂粉末 Persimmon Calyx 首烏藤粉末 Tuber Fleeceflower Stem 水紅花子粉末 Princes-feather Fruit 水牛角粉末 Buffalo Horn 水蛭粉末 Leech 絲瓜絡粉末 Luffa vegetable Sponge 四季青粉末 Purple flower Holly Leaf 蘇合香粉末 Storax 蘇木粉末 Sappan wood 酸棗仁粉末 Spine Date Seed 娑羅子粉末 Buckeye Seed 鎖陽粉末 Songaria Cynomorium Herb 太子參粉末 Heterophylly Falsesatarwort Root 檀香粉末 Sandalwood 桃仁粉末 Peach Seed 天冬粉末 Cochinchinese Asparagus Root 天花粉粉末 Snakegourd Root 天葵子粉末 Muskroot-like Semiaquilegia Root 天麻粉末 Tall Gastrodis Tuber 天南星(制)粉末 Arisaema (Prepared) 天仙藤粉末 Dutchmanspipe Vine 天仙子粉末 Henbane Seed 天竺黃粉末 Siliceous Bamboo Secretions 田基黃粉末 Japanese St.John'swort Herb 葶藶子粉末 Pepperweed Seed 通草粉末 Ricepaperplant Pith 土貝母粉末 Paniculate Bolbostemma 土鱉蟲粉末 Ground Beetle 土茯苓粉末 Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome 土荊皮粉末 Golden Larch Bark 土木香粉末 Inula Root 土牛膝粉末 Native Achyranthes Root 兔絲子粉末 Dodder Seed 瓦楞子粉末 Arc Shell 王不留行粉末 Cowherb Seed 威靈仙粉末 Chinese Clematis Root 委陵菜粉末 Chinese Cinquefoil 烏梅粉末 Mume Fruit 烏梢蛇粉末 Black-tail Snake 烏藥粉末 Combined Spicebush Root 吳茱萸粉末 Medicinal Evodia Fruit 蜈蚣粉末 Centipede 五倍子粉末 Chinese Gall 五加皮粉末 Acanthopanax Root Bark 五靈脂粉末 Trogopterus Dung 五味子粉末 Chinese Magnolivine Fruit 西河柳粉末 Chinese Tamarisk Twig 西紅花粉末 Saffron 西洋參粉末 American Ginseng powder 豨薟草粉末 Siegesbeckia Herb 細辛粉末 Manchurian Wildginger 夏枯草粉末 Common Selfheal Fruit-Spike 夏天無粉末 Decumbent Corydalis Rhizome 仙鶴草粉末 Hairyvein Agrimonia Herd 仙茅粉末 Common Curculigo Rhizome 香附粉末 Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome 香加皮粉末 Chinese Silkvine Root-bark 香薷粉末 Chinese Mosla Herb 香櫞粉末 Citron Fruit 小茴香粉末 Fennel 小薊粉末 Field Thistle Herb 薤白粉末 Longstamen Onion Bulb 辛夷粉末 Biond Magnolia Flower 杏仁粉末 Bitter Apricot Seed 徐長卿粉末 Paniculate swallowwort Root 續(xù)斷粉末 Himalayan Teasel Root 玄參粉末 Figwort Root 旋覆花粉末 Inula Flower 血竭粉末 Dragon's Blood 血余炭粉末 Carbonized Hair 尋骨風粉末 Wooly Datchmanspipe Herb 藥蜀葵根粉末 Marsh mallow Root 鴉膽子粉末 Java Brucea Fruit 鴨跖草粉末 Common Dayflower Herb 延胡索粉末 Yanhusuo 芫花粉末 Lilac Daphne Flower Bud 羊蹄粉末 Japanese Dock Root 陽起石粉末 Tremolite 洋地黃葉粉末 Digitalis Leaf 洋金花粉末 Datura Flower 野菊花粉末 Wild Chrysanthemum Flower 葉下珠粉末 Phyllanthus urinaria 夜明砂粉末 Bat's Droppings 益母草粉末 Motherwort Herb 益智仁粉末 Sharpleaf Glangal Fruit 薏苡仁粉末 Coix Seed 茵陳粉末 Virgate Wormwood Herb 淫羊藿粉末 Epimedium Herb 銀柴胡粉末 Starwort Root 銀杏葉粉末 Ginkgo Leaf 余甘子粉末 Phyllanfhus Fruit 魚腥草粉末 Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb 禹余糧粉末 Limonite 玉米須粉末 Corn Stigma 玉竹粉末 Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 郁金粉末 Turmeric Root Tuber 郁李仁粉末 Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed 預知子粉末 Akebia Fruit 遠志粉末 Thinleaf Milkwort Root 月季花粉末 Chinese Rose Flower 皂角刺粉末 Chinese Honeylocust Spine 澤蘭粉末 Hirsute Shiny Bugleweed Herb 澤瀉粉末 Oriental Waterplantain Rhizome 浙貝母粉末 Thunberg Fritillary Bulb 珍珠粉末 Pearl 珍珠母粉末 Nacre 知母粉末 Common Anemarrhena Rhizome 梔子粉末 Cape Jasmine Fruit 枳殼粉末 Orange Fruit 枳實粉末 Immature Orange Fruit 腫節(jié)風粉末 arcandra [twig and leaf] 重樓粉末 Paris Root 朱砂粉末 Cinnabar 豬苓粉末 Chuling 豬牙皂粉末 chinese honeylocust abnormal fruit 竹茹粉末 Bamboo Shavings 苧麻根粉末 Ramie Root 紫草粉末 Arnebia Root 紫河車粉末 Human Placenta 紫花地丁粉末 Tokyo Violet Herb 紫蘇葉粉末 Perilla leaf 紫菀粉末 Tatarian Aster Root 薔薇果粉末 Rose Seed 小麥苗粉 Wheat Grass Powder 大麥苗粉 Barley Grass Powder 纈草根粉 Valerian Root Powder



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